The Canon of Scripture-Study Packet
The last Old Testament prophet was Malachi. His book was written in 420 B.C. The next book in our Holy Bible is the book of Matthew which was written around A.D. 75. This 400 year period of time between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament is called the Intertestamental Period. During this period of time God was silent, and there was no prophet or prophecy from God. It was during the Intertestamental Period that the books of the Apocrypha, or the hidden things, were written. The apocryphal books contain statements that contradict foundational biblical Christian doctrine found in the 66 canonized books. Dr. Ben Pennington discuses the standards used to include the 66 books in our Holy Bible. Also discussed are the reasons why the books of the Apocryphal and other “lost” books were excluded from our Holy Bible.